Thursday, January 21, 2010

Internship #9

Please post a summary of your week at internship. What were the highlights? What were the challenges? What was memorable and why?

The highlight of this week would have to be starting up our documentary. We each had a major role in creating our documentary. I wrote the wonderful script for the documentary. Sai and Marcus, who are experienced with a lot of the mac software worked on editing the first part of the documentary using a particular video editing software called Final Cut Pro. Marcus worked mostly on creating a soundtrack for our documentary using a specific software excursively for the Mac. There were challenges that we had to face, one them was trying to get our hands on a decent camera for our documentary. We had trouble trying to access one of the cameras in the NBC lockup (lockup: where they keep most of there news equipment). We were not able to use the NBC cameras because they were all reserved for the week. All of the interns and I had a short meeting on what we should do to resolve this issue. So we all wanted Sai to bring his own camera from home. In addition, we were able to access the NBC archives, where they have all of the footage of the building. We thought it would be nice to have past footage of the NBC building in our documentary.

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