Friday, January 15, 2010

Internship #7

My fellow internees and I worked together to assemble monitors and mail laptops through Fed Ex to New York, for our mentor. We worked together to accomplish our tasks here at the NBC building. We recently fixed alotof the CPUs from the sale department. After we were done replacing the video cards in the CPUs with new video cards. We will begin by gathering the required equipments for our film. We had technical difficulties with backing up work files onto an external storage devise. We had some problems with trying to transfer work files into those store devises and we over came these challenges by asking for assistance from Kreg, who has alot of experience with computers. My role in all of this was to return the new CPUs to the employees in the sales and graphics department. I plugged in the ethernet cable, mouse and computer wires, and etc.

1 comment:

  1. This seems pretty interesting. I am a huge fan of computers and I can understand the processes you are doing. Yes it can be tedious at times, but if you love it then you love it.
