Friday, January 22, 2010

Internship #10

Internship #10
Hey everyone, this entry is a three-parter, so make sure you do all of them.
First, post a picture that sums up your day (make sure you get permission for the pic!).
Second, post a caption in which you use the pic to get into a discussion the following: What new questions has your internship inspired you to ask about our world? What has it made you wonder about? What are you moved to go out and do or learn about on your own time?
Third, post at least five possible questions that you'd like to ask your mentor (or other important coworker) in your upcoming interview. Your questions should be based on yesterday's blog post. If you did not do yesterday's blog post, then you should do it as background for this post.


Explain to me what you everyday schedule look like thought the week?
What skills of your own do you use at work?
Have you acquired any useful skills in the past few weeks?
What was the first day at work like?
Have you encountered any challenges?
Tell me alittle bit about your job?

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