Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Internship #8

Choice A: What characteristic and qualities do you see in the people at your internship that you'd like to develop in yourself? Some of these qualities and characteristics that people could have, so look around and think of a few good ones that you see in the people you work with.

I see a lot of qualities in the people I work with. Especially, Kreg. I see a lot of great qualities in him. One, he is very assertive, formal, and tech savvy. I would like to develop these qualities myself. Because If I have the qualities people will look up to me. They will see that I am taking my work very seriously. I also want to mention that I see leadership in him, a skill that I am lacking. I would like to put my foot forward and take on the leadership role. If I become a leader then people will not think of me as a push over. Someone who can be taken advantage of. I want to develop these qualities because it will increase my popularity in the work environment. People would ask me for directions and follow me as a role model.

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