Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Internship #3

1. What academic skills could you use on the job?
I can use my journalism skills to write the script for our nbc documentary project. I did alot of heavy lifting today. We packaged some laptops and desktop monitors and shipped them downstairs to the first floor. There were 16 Dell laptops that we had to package. We also handed out keyboards to the employees downstairs because some of the keyboards had their letters missing. We also had to assemble monitors that just came in from Fed Ez for the sales representives in our building.
2. What forms of collaboration could you use in a project?
Maybe I could sit down with my fellow internees to collaborate a plan on what equipement we should use for our NBC documentry. We'll probably need to use final cut pro to edit the video and use a camera to shoot the different areas inside the NBC news station. Divid up the work amongs the group members.
3. What technical skills can you use at your internship?
I'm familiar with several different programs such as final cut pro, InDesign and etc. I know how to operate a camera and other techincal machines. I helped one of the employees connect their computer keyboard and mouse to the CSU.
4. What new things can you learn while working at your site?
How conductively make a runoff before the 4 'o'clock news. Its basically a script that lets all the other employees know where the cameras should be position and where the teleprompters should go for the four 'o'clock news.
5. How can you exhibit, showcase or otherwise share your work?
I would have to say we could create a documentry for the students at hthma to see. It might interest some people into working out NBC. Its a great way to encourage people who our interested in broadcast journalism.
6. How can your work or your skills & abilities help your company or organization?
Well, my tape wrapping skills did come in handy for Greg, the IT guy.


  1. Osamah! It's Haley & Jackie Boy from your advisory! I just wanted to say keep it up! You're doing awesome and your internship sound really interesting! Its even cooler that my mom works like right next to you at the Wells Fargo Building! I can see the NBC building from my mom's window actually! Ha-ha! Well hope all is well and I hope that you're having fun with the documentary you are going to be making! :) Good luck!

    - Haley & Jackie Boy

  2. (this is an advisory assignment)\

    How can you use the skills that you have developed as part of your internship in your very near future?
