Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Internship #13

The most enjoyable aspect of this internship was watching the new crew prepare for the 4 'o'clock news. That was probably the highlight of that day when I saw them provide the news. I actually got a chance to introduce myself to Marty Levine and Susan. We sat there while they were on air. I just thought that that experience was just great. Seeing them give the news in person. I always wanted to know how they know when to start filming or stop filming.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Internship #12

As a group we worked together to finish every component of our documentary. We collaborated on certain parts of the projector whether it was trying to gain access to a camera from the lockup or come up with a storyboard and script. We always came through. We all had confidence in our assign roles and had fun. Everyone looked interested in what they were working on. I worked mostly on the script for the documentary, Sai and Marcus worked on editing the captured footage of the NBC building. Over the duration of this project, I would have to say we had a stable and active work. We all weren't afraid to ask for help from each other. I would have to say we each had an equal amount of work to do for our documentary.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Internship #10

Internship #10
Hey everyone, this entry is a three-parter, so make sure you do all of them.
First, post a picture that sums up your day (make sure you get permission for the pic!).
Second, post a caption in which you use the pic to get into a discussion the following: What new questions has your internship inspired you to ask about our world? What has it made you wonder about? What are you moved to go out and do or learn about on your own time?
Third, post at least five possible questions that you'd like to ask your mentor (or other important coworker) in your upcoming interview. Your questions should be based on yesterday's blog post. If you did not do yesterday's blog post, then you should do it as background for this post.


Explain to me what you everyday schedule look like thought the week?
What skills of your own do you use at work?
Have you acquired any useful skills in the past few weeks?
What was the first day at work like?
Have you encountered any challenges?
Tell me alittle bit about your job?

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Internship #9

Please post a summary of your week at internship. What were the highlights? What were the challenges? What was memorable and why?

The highlight of this week would have to be starting up our documentary. We each had a major role in creating our documentary. I wrote the wonderful script for the documentary. Sai and Marcus, who are experienced with a lot of the mac software worked on editing the first part of the documentary using a particular video editing software called Final Cut Pro. Marcus worked mostly on creating a soundtrack for our documentary using a specific software excursively for the Mac. There were challenges that we had to face, one them was trying to get our hands on a decent camera for our documentary. We had trouble trying to access one of the cameras in the NBC lockup (lockup: where they keep most of there news equipment). We were not able to use the NBC cameras because they were all reserved for the week. All of the interns and I had a short meeting on what we should do to resolve this issue. So we all wanted Sai to bring his own camera from home. In addition, we were able to access the NBC archives, where they have all of the footage of the building. We thought it would be nice to have past footage of the NBC building in our documentary.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Internship #8

Choice A: What characteristic and qualities do you see in the people at your internship that you'd like to develop in yourself? Some of these qualities and characteristics that people could have, so look around and think of a few good ones that you see in the people you work with.

I see a lot of qualities in the people I work with. Especially, Kreg. I see a lot of great qualities in him. One, he is very assertive, formal, and tech savvy. I would like to develop these qualities myself. Because If I have the qualities people will look up to me. They will see that I am taking my work very seriously. I also want to mention that I see leadership in him, a skill that I am lacking. I would like to put my foot forward and take on the leadership role. If I become a leader then people will not think of me as a push over. Someone who can be taken advantage of. I want to develop these qualities because it will increase my popularity in the work environment. People would ask me for directions and follow me as a role model.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Internship #7

My fellow internees and I worked together to assemble monitors and mail laptops through Fed Ex to New York, for our mentor. We worked together to accomplish our tasks here at the NBC building. We recently fixed alotof the CPUs from the sale department. After we were done replacing the video cards in the CPUs with new video cards. We will begin by gathering the required equipments for our film. We had technical difficulties with backing up work files onto an external storage devise. We had some problems with trying to transfer work files into those store devises and we over came these challenges by asking for assistance from Kreg, who has alot of experience with computers. My role in all of this was to return the new CPUs to the employees in the sales and graphics department. I plugged in the ethernet cable, mouse and computer wires, and etc.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Project title:
NBC internship documentary

Project description:
We are going to gather some technical equipement and use it to put together a documentary one what we have done so far here at the NBC building.

Project schedule: We are going to be conductively, working on it starting on monday of next week. My fellow internees are diliberating a plan on how we are going to shoot our documentary.

Project documentation: How will you keep track of your work? How will others know about it? What will you have to show when internship is over? Please note that some internship projects cannot be fully documented for legal reasons or because of organizational regulations (i.e., if you are working on an ongoing case at a law firm or working on a project that will receive a patent, etc.).

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Internship #3

1. What academic skills could you use on the job?
I can use my journalism skills to write the script for our nbc documentary project. I did alot of heavy lifting today. We packaged some laptops and desktop monitors and shipped them downstairs to the first floor. There were 16 Dell laptops that we had to package. We also handed out keyboards to the employees downstairs because some of the keyboards had their letters missing. We also had to assemble monitors that just came in from Fed Ez for the sales representives in our building.
2. What forms of collaboration could you use in a project?
Maybe I could sit down with my fellow internees to collaborate a plan on what equipement we should use for our NBC documentry. We'll probably need to use final cut pro to edit the video and use a camera to shoot the different areas inside the NBC news station. Divid up the work amongs the group members.
3. What technical skills can you use at your internship?
I'm familiar with several different programs such as final cut pro, InDesign and etc. I know how to operate a camera and other techincal machines. I helped one of the employees connect their computer keyboard and mouse to the CSU.
4. What new things can you learn while working at your site?
How conductively make a runoff before the 4 'o'clock news. Its basically a script that lets all the other employees know where the cameras should be position and where the teleprompters should go for the four 'o'clock news.
5. How can you exhibit, showcase or otherwise share your work?
I would have to say we could create a documentry for the students at hthma to see. It might interest some people into working out NBC. Its a great way to encourage people who our interested in broadcast journalism.
6. How can your work or your skills & abilities help your company or organization?
Well, my tape wrapping skills did come in handy for Greg, the IT guy.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Internship #2

What have you actively done to start off on the right note?
I kept a notebook for writing notes on what they do there at the NBC building and helped move packaged computers.

What have you actively done to create interesting opportunities for yourself?
I went to the first floor of the build to meet with the video editors and asked questions about what their expectation are at NBC.

What have you actively done to advance the interests of your mentor and/or site?
I spoke with my intern about my computer skills and what I would like to do over the duration of the internship.

What can you do in the immediate future to improve yourself and your experience in the above area?
I need to improve on my computer progamming skills.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Internship #1

1. When did you wake up?
I woke up early in the morning at 6:56.

2. What did you have for breakfast?
I ate a bowl of cheerios cereal.

3. How did you get to internship? How long did it take? How did it go?
My mom drove me to my site in down town. The drive from my house to my internship site was 30 minutes. It went well, surprisingly, I learned many things about the different stations in the NBC news station. I had many questions for the video editor, and the director of the control room.

4. What did you do when you first arrived at internship? Who did you see? Who did you talk to?
I saw my fellow internees in the lobby of the NBC building. My mentor introduced us to her co-workers around the office. They gave us a tour of all of the rooms inside. From the News studio to the command station.

5. Where do you work (in the company, in the building, etc.)? What is your area like?
They didn’t specify what my job was. The first day was sort of like an orientation for all the interns. We will get a chance to familiarize ourselves with the news software.

6. What did you do for lunch?
Right across the street there is a mall called “Horton Plaza”. I ate a caprici salad with a bottle of water at the food court area.

7. What did you do during the afternoon?
We continued working with our mentors on revising a runoff script. We used a software called I-News, which had all of the top stories.

8. What type of work do you see yourself doing in the next few days?
I'm probably going spend my time on editing or working with the teleprompter. I can also see myself in the next few days working on additional work from the mentors.

9. What do you feel prepared to do? What do you think you'll do well?
I feel prepared to focus on my work at the NBC building. I am ready to operate a teleprompter or act like a coordinator.

10. What are you going to need to learn to succeed at your internship?
I'm going to have to familiarize myself with the NBC software. NBC computers run programs like I-news, outlook program, and final cut.

11. What makes you excited about working there?
What really stirs up the excitement for me is when they prepare the NBC studio and provide viewers with the weather and ground-breaking news.

12. What makes you nervous about working there?
Whats really nerve racking for me is not knowing how well my fellow internees work. What I mean is have they failed to do the task at hand when working on past school projects. Are they ready to put their foot down and handle the pressure.

13. When did you get home? What was your afternoon/evening commute like?
Unfortunately, I didn't get home until 7:30. My mom who works on the 9th floor of the NBC building, was at a trial.