Wednesday, October 21, 2009

blog # 16: MSB ideas

From Lupe's blog post, I saw that she has some unique ideas. Her idea of creating a recycled bottle cap sculpture of a fish is kind of interesting. I never thought of something like that. I can think of something similar to that and post it as an image for my website. Lupe's idea is very artistic.

From Magda's blog post, I realized that she has some great ideas for the project. Her idea of taking pictures of the beach using fish eye lenses is actually a good idea. I can take a lot of photos of the scenery; having to do with toxic chemicals and pollution in the beach. Maybe I should think of creative ways to make my pictures stand out. I want to bring something unique to the table.

From Krause's blog post, I checked it out and he had some cool ideas for the project. His idea was simply a photo/Essay that has at least 6 pictures and for every high quality photo there would a short explanation. I'm thinking of making a picture book on my website.

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