Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Biology blog

(Randy ignore the bio blogs plz)

1. What is the, controversy or event in the story? What are the basic facts?

The headline says, that every beach in the county of San Diego received their report cards recently. All 78 monitored beaches received a A or B out of 79 beaches. treatment plants always grade beaches depending on the water quality.

2. What information is missing from the story?

This News story contains a lot of solid information on what is currently going on with the San Diego water quality. All the information I need; after resulting in state budge cuts, most of the state beaches are being monitored.

3. What would be the next steps if you were creating a follow up to this story?

I would explain more depth in about all the state beaches and what they received based off the quality of their water. For example, the results for today included the beaches, OB and PT. They both received B or C grade.

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