Sunday, September 6, 2009

Blog #2: Osamah's resoures

Native American resources...

For the American Indians, I am thinking about using a musical CD by an American Indian. This CD is called, "Nakai". It contains melodies using the flute and string instruments. These are classic Nakai melodies such as "Daybreak Vision" and "Canyon Reverie". There is another musical CD called, "Sacred Spirit" which contains the chants and dances of the native Americans. The National

Geographic website contains information about the early days of the native Americans. It explains the arrival of the American Indians in America. The following link,, will take you there.

There is a book called, The MAKING of the WEST: peoples and cultures a concise history, that has information regarding American Indian history.

John Stewart resources... this video is an interview about John Stewart's popularity in America.

The website is the number one source to find daily show episodes and news about the show. This is where you can find lots of information

The Book, America by John Stewart, contains information regarding American politics and presidencies. Its a great resource for an American icon like John Stewart.

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