Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Blog #1: American Icons

John Stewart

He represents the face of comedy. Each episode keeps me interested and makes me laugh hysterically.

I'm sure you all have seen, The Daily Show with John Stewart. His show airs on comedy central every night at 9:00 o'clock. This American politic satirist/writer/television host/actor/media critic and standup comedian to the left side of your computer screen, clutching the microphone in his hand, is John Stewart. He currently resides in the United States of America. Stewart began his work on the daily show in the early 1999s. Every episode, John likes to criticize all the news coverage from the news networks like NBC, CNN and Fox News channel from his “fake news” desk. When he’s on air, you hear John discuss politics the entire episode and, obviously, he is wearing the same exact clothing an ordinary anchorman would wear, a suit with a tie. Anyway, John would always ridicule George W. Bush’s presidency when Bush made mistakes like the Iraq war during his presidency.

The main reason why I chose him is because he is passionate about his career and he loves being on Entertainment Television. John definitely inspires me and his wide range of viewers not to be afraid to stand your ground when politicians make mistakes. We both are very critical observers of events such as the Fox media reporting that doesn't explain the entire story sometimes.

Karem Elhams

My dad, Karem Elhams, was an immigrant originally from Palestine. Palestine is located in the Middle East, neighboring Jordan and the Mediteranean Sea. My dad's name is not spelled Karem, it is actually, Kareem. Kareem is correctly prounced, Kah-REEM, meaning "generous and giving". Before his arrival into the states, he spent most of his childhood in Rafa, Palestine. In 1941, the Israeli occupation of Palestine occurred and my father journeyed to Saudi Arabia and lived there for a couple of years. He then left Saudi Arabia and traveled to the United States seeking education and a new life. I find it funny that people in America struggle to pronounce my dad’s name. Surprisingly, my dad, a mathematical genius, sent in his college application to Berkley University and was accepted. Unfortunately, he could not afford to go there.

Dad, who I have always had a strong and unbreakable bond with, truthfully inspires me to be more productive and reach for high expectations. I would like to quote what he said to me three years ago, “The only person who I want to be more successful than me is my own son”. This quote simply means that he only wants me to successfully surpass him in life.

American Indian

The American Indian symbolizes courage against adversity. They only took what they needed from the land and they lived in harmony with nature. They are the original survivalists and they make do with what they have. The American Indian are the indigenous people of early America. They fought for control over their lands with weapons against harsh enemies. They fought bravely against their adversaries. American Indians tried to avenge the death of familyand friends. The American Indian used the tip of a spear to pierce the flesh of a buffalo for clothing and food. They would hunt to feed their families. Some grew crops. American Indians used their many skills to skin animals. They pray to the animals for forgiveness. They built dwellings to shelter themselves from the cold harsh winters. They were akways optimistic, always trying to survive.

I can honestly say that these American Indians inspire me greatly. They are some of the most successful survivors who struggled against some of nature's harshest elements and learned to be very resourceful. They have proven to be very brave and intelligent survivors.

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