Tuesday, September 15, 2009

blog #6: Unknown title

Whenever, I begin writing, I tend to spill my ideas onto a blank sheet of paper. Once I have those ideas on paper I organize them. I always like to hook the reader in with my first sentence. Basically, my rough draft was vague. I also discovered that I forget to support my statements with solid evidence. After I completed draft one of the artist statement, I learned that I like to get in depth and find a hand full of evidence. I really think one of my strong points is using descriptive words so that the reader can paint a picture in their mind.

I did some minor changes to my artistic statement by changing the words that had -ing endings. From doing that I really enhanced my writing. Randy said in class that he hates words that have -ing endings. Now my artistic statement is clear and easy to understand. I learned that when you use -ing endings can making your writing choppy.

I would probably continue writing about what do to inspire the next generation. I would also try and use my useful techniques to enhance the paragraph.

The sentence uses descriptive words to get my point across. It really explains and paints a picture of what is happening at the time. This sentence grabs the attention of the reader because I think the reader like sentence that are very descriptive. When the reader can better understand what is currently going on. Its an excellent sentence to start off a story because of the way it is written. It also tells the reader that the author had a great choice of words.

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