Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Internship Photo Essay

(BLOGGER underlined each sentence and I don't know why)

Resting my elbows on the edge of the window, I could feel the gentle breeze touch my skin. The noise of horns honking and negligent drivers swearing at each other irritated my ears. Words begin to slip out of my mouth, “Do you think I’ll get a future job offer as a college student?” She strokes her wavy hair and then adjusts her eyeglasses, “Of course you will, I have no doubt about. If you make a good first impression and they will certainly think about offering you a summer time job”. As we drove aimlessly through the rush hour traffic, my mom paying attention to the road turns her head. She looks at me with envy accompanied by a smile. She was sort of jealous of me having the opportunity to intern at a place like the NBC 7/39 new station. We drove down the pavement into the through the concrete entrance of the parking structure

I could smell the foul stench of the exhaust from inside. I couldn’t last one minute. So I take a deep breath and exited the car. We reach the parking lobby and stretch my legs. I gasped for fresh air as soon as I walked into the room. My eye balls navigated the lobby in search of a dispenser machine or water fountain. I continued on pace and said my last goodbyes. I grabbed my NBC identification card hanging from my khakis. I scanned the card and punched in 3 inside the elevator. I waited for a while in the elevator. My head angled up and my eye balls were focused on the elevator meter… 1… 2… 3… bing! My mind clogged with so many thoughts about internship. I had no room to think of anything else.

I entered the 3rd floor lobby, a tranquil place. I seamlessly chew on the decadent chocolate that I got from the counter. Just to ease the anxiety. I walk straight into the office and see my mentor and fellow interview in a meeting together. I join in to listen. “We’re required to do a project for internship” says one of the interns stomping his toe on the floor and folding his arms together. My mentor replied, “I have a great idea why don’t you develop a documentary of your own”. Everyone looked at each other to confirm it. “That sounds like a wonderful idea.. I mean we are capable of using certain programs”. I walked over to my cubical and]spin my chair around.

We devoted so much time on consecutively completing the documentary. We got a chance to videotape ourselves for our intern interviews. I looked over my own interview and edited it a little using a program that I am most familiar with. I also had to keep up with the daily blogs for Randy. In all honestly I had a handful on my plate because I had to write a marketing 2 page proposal, prefect the documentary, package laptops and blog.

We began videotaping our working on dissecting computer units. I’m wielding the camera this time keeping a steady hand of the shot. I walked behind some of the interns. We captured all sorts of footage of the NBC building. We even found b-roll of footage of the building. We compiled all of the footage and started the first phase of the documentary which would the introduction. We then watched some of what we had so far and edited it.

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