Thursday, February 25, 2010

Blog #8

I noticed that both FDR and Obama inherited the recession. One may agree, Barrack Obama and FDR have some similarities. Both of which had many interactions with the economy. In the 1930's, We had an in-class discussion on FDR's (Franklin .D Roosevelt) plans on reviving the economy from the Great Depression. FDR formulated a plan to grant $500 million to state agencies for direct relief. Our president, Obama recently introduced the stimulus package to the American Economy. His initial plan was to provide money for the economy to basically to get the economy back on its feet. Most people notice that Barrack Obama is highly respected in America much like FDR in 1930s. In relation, FDR began an organization called the WPA short for Works Progress Administration. Obama has his own organization called the Barrack Obama organization which facilitates the country.

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