Thursday, November 12, 2009

Blog #23: Environment Current Events

I can't post the link to the article. Its a newspaper that I have at home.

Newspaper, Our Region: Nov 9, 09 "Scientists take aim at cigarettes" by Mike Lee

Cigarettes can not only kill people, they can also kill the marine life. This particular article is about the people who carelessly litter dozens of cigarette buts everyday on our beautiful beaches. People need to be conscious of what happens when a fish is exposed to a cigarette. We need to make the public aware of this issue by telling them to reduce the amount of cigarettes being littered on our beaches everyday. They should immediately dispose of any trash into the nearest trash can.

Regional director of the smoker's rights group Citizens Freedom Alliance in Ventura Country, Robert Best," This is just another attack on smokers and an attack on the entire tobacco industry, including farmers and distributors, in the midst of an economic crisis.". I thought that this specific information from the article is important to me and everyone who is trying to convince people to eliminate cigarettes from our beaches, that we should try and explain why cigarettes are bad for the marine life and why people don't want to be swimming in polluted water.

The information missing from the article is; how can we either stand up and convince people to litter on the beaches or try and clean up the beaches and help protect the marine life. Reduce the amount of like plastic bags and other trash. Should we raise the cost of certain things like plastic bags so that we can reduce the amount of people buying them everyday.

The subject is kind of similar to my topic for media saves the beach because I'm focusing my eyes on the fecal matter from seal's and how it can effect surfers or children who like to play in the water. I'm also researching the controversy in Seal Cove; should the seals live on the cove or should we kick 'em out?

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