Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Blog# 11

Dear Mr. President,

Mr. President, this is a very important letter that I would like you to read. We need to discuss America’s future. We need to end this economic crisis. I understand your efforts to restore the American economy are good but America is asking for more than just a stimulus package that helps the banks. We need to turn the tables and start convincing our enemies to stop hating us and become allies. That way we can use the money spent on the war effort towards stabilizing and growing our economy.

We need you to pass bills through congress and I hope that these bills will bring a positive change. Congress needs to stop this war against you and start acting towards the benefit of the people. Congress doesn’t seem to realize that they are only delaying the economic recovery. The American government is not as stable as it should be. America cannot afford to fail.
Let’s start with the banks, Mr. President. People are demanding reasonable mortgages from their banks to be able to stay in their homes. We need the banks cooperation to help them do this. Homeowners should be given a five year extension to make payments at their present rate to give them time to adjust to a higher interest rate or by selling their home if they need to and buying a home they can afford. Like Franklin D. Roosevelt, you should regulate the banks so they only make loans to people that can really afford to buy a home.

We need to create more jobs for the American people. We need to reward businesses that keep Americans working instead of taking their jobs to people outside the US. FDR saw that it was necessary to increase employment for the American people. People should be taught new skills that will help employ them for jobs of the future. Workers should be able to organize and demand decent wages and medical benefits.

The most important thing is to gain the support of the American people. They need you and you need them. Your powerful speeches will only have an effect on the people who believe your words. We need to convince those who don’t trust you with action not just words. FDR also liked to speak to the people directly through his “Fireside Chats”.

I hope you take my suggestions into consideration and know that I as well as other will be here to support your efforts. I know you cannot accomplish this on your own.

Osamah Elhams

Works Cited

Feldmeth, Gregory. AP U.S. History. 8th ed. Piscataway, New Jersey: Research & Education Assoc., 2009. Print.
Hirsch, E. D. The Dictionary of Cultural Literacy. Company: Houghton Mifflin, 1988. Print.

Parenti, Ph.D., Michael. Democracy for the Few. 8th ed. Boston, MA: Thomson Wadsworth, 2008. Print.

Zinn, Howard. A People's History of the United States. New York: HarperCollins, 2003. Print.

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