Thursday, December 3, 2009

Blog #27

Krakauer observes that it is not “unusual for a young man to be drawn to a pursuit considered reckless by his elders.” Explain whether McCandless would agree with Krakauer.

Despite how insane McCandess is, it sounds like an idiotic idea, abandoning your own life. Leaving your parents even though your not on good terms with them. What he did sounds a little immature for his age. If I was placed in his shoes and I had to think to myself whether or not I wanted to leave my family forever or just stay. I would definitely stay and try and resolve my own life conflicts. McClandess is drawn to his pursuit of traveling along a highway or ending up in someones house. Its obvious that McClandess strongly believes in what he is doing. His elders must think he is a lunatic running around acting like a hobo. I know that McClandess must think that he is extremely happy.

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